Saturday, October 24, 2015

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...

Rainbows often come after a storm has passed. They symbolize hope or show that beautiful things can come from something not as beautiful. When those magical rainbows show up in your life, they're worth stopping for a moment and basking in its light.

Often times we are stuck in the storms that rock our foundation. It seems as though when one storm ends, another begins almost instantly. When will the clouds part? When will we see that rainbow once again? When will the storm settle down? 

The truth is that the storms are never going to fully stop. The only thing that will possibly change is how you see the storm. Do you realize that the storm is bringing new life? Do you realize that even though the storm may not be what you want, it will bring greater things for your future and the world you live in? Do you realize that there is beauty within the storm? Do you step outside and feel the rain on your skin? Or do you bury yourself beneath false ideas of protection against the storm?

It's been two years since I moved to Las Vegas. Storms have come and gone. I've seen rainbows and experienced spectacular beauty. I've had the courage to step outside and embrace the storms like never before. I've never once questioned the purpose of the storms in my life... I've always known there was a reason, but naturally I have asked "When will I see the rainbow?" Sometimes it comes sooner than expected, other times I am made to wait. But it ALWAYS comes, and always will. 

The storms can drown you if you let them. I am choosing not to allow them to define me, but to refine me. So that when that rainbow illuminates the sky, I can take that moment to reflect and thank the storm for the gift of clarity that it has provided me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Wizard

I've been thinking a lot lately about the people in my life. Specifically my mentors, or as I'd like to call them, my wizards.  It is incredible to me to see the amazing people that have been placed in my life. How did I get so lucky? 

Although I've been learning much from all of them about life, business and specific fields of work.... I'm learning so much about myself. The thing about these wizards is that they can teach me everything they know along my yellow brick road, but ultimately it's up to me what I do with the information that they so willingly give me. 

My wizards believe in me. My wizards know me well, and know how to help me. My wizards show up for me, encourage and challenge me. My wizards are honest with me. My wizards hold me accountable. My wizards care about me. 

Although it may seem like your life is determined by the opportunities you're given, rather it is determined by the opportunities that you give yourself and the ones that you take. So in reality, the great and powerful one is not the wizard, it is you... Just a regular person, who can accomplish great, powerful and wonderful things if you give yourself the chance. It is all in your mind... Will you let another determine your future? Or will you realize that only you have the power to create it? It's time to step out from behind the curtain and give all that you are to everything that you do. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

There’s No Place Like Home

Home is not just where you’re from, the house you lived in and the yard you played in… it’s the people who made you who you are today. The ones who shaped your life and taught you by their example. The ones who stood behind you to support you, in front of you to protect you and beside you to help guide you. It’s not about the place you dwelt, but about those that you came in contact with who forever changed your life.

I’ve been blessed in my life with the quality of people who I have been surrounded by. It’s church leaders like Wendy Morris and Darci Evans who were amazing examples to me of the kind of woman that I want to become. It’s life long friends like Kristen Moss, who have always been there to cheer me up, give me advice, make me laugh and experience life with me. It’s caring teachers like Maura Landers and Michele Weith who believed in me from the beginning and sacrificed for me so that I could be where I am today. It’s my siblings Rhen, Spencer, Keaton and Krissy who remind me to laugh and not take life too seriously… but who also face life head on and create amazing things to show for their hard work with flair and pizzazz! It’s my parents who remind me who I am, what I’m capable of and what I want to become. Who sacrifice everything they have to make me happy and who have shown me that no matter what you’re given in life or what you deal with, you can always make something better of it and get to where you want to be with hard work and persistence. It’s my grandparents who have shown me that no adversity should hold you back and that life is about your loved ones and cherishing the time you get to spend with them.

It’s sitting around in the living room surrounded by your family on Christmas Eve, watching everyone laugh and interact with each other and just thinking to yourself, “This is it… This is what life is about”.

There are so many more people who have influenced my life, but these are just a few that I was able to see and hug once more while I was home in Kansas. 

There truly is no place like home to remind you who you are and why. No one succeeds in life because they did it alone. They succeed because of the people behind the scenes working on their behalf. Thank you to my behind the scenes crew! Love you all!

Dorothy in Sin City